‘Some Whispers From Eternity’ by Shomik Chaudhuri is a compendium of Vedic practices from Vedic scriptures

Book jacket. PHOTO: Courtesy Shomik Chaudhuri.(Published by Dorrance Publishing, Co., Inc, of Pittsburgh, PA)

“Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to reveal the divinity within,” Vivekananda said.

You can follow your own path to achieve this, through jnana yoga, karma yoga or bhakti yoga, according to the Bhagvad Gita.

Shomik Chaudhuri’s ‘Some Whispers From Eternity”(Whispers hereafter), aims to discuss achieving this final goal of self-realization through Om Kriya Yoga.

The book would disappoint those who are looking for Bar Notes to Vedic practices. ‘Whispers’ is a serious book with so much information packed into it that a fleeting glance or jumping to a particular chapter will leave wide gaps in the understanding of a subject which is not to be taken lightly.

In the introduction, Chaudhuri voices his concern about us not focusing on the spiritual level which he calls “the foundation of our very existence.” Proposing that getting in touch with our spiritual selves and developing it would help solve most of the modern day problems of life, he urges the readers to follow the practices of the Kriyas described in the ‘Whispers’ regularly, one step at a time.

Kriya is a Sanskrit word for ‘action’ or ‘carrying out an action’, and as such, Kriya Yoga is the yoga of action. Chaudhuri describes Kriya Yoga as a system of spiritual advancement.

Chaudhuri said in an exclusive interview with News India Times that he has been fascinated with yoga and meditation from childhood when he used to play at meditating. Later, during college days, he met a realized professor who taught him the first step of Kriya Yoga, which he has been practicing continuously ever since.

After coming to the U.S., he realized the need for initiation under a guru’s expert guidance, Chaudhuri said. Jagatguru Ramanandacharya Rajivlochanacharya was initiated by Mahavatar Kriya Babaji who brought to light the science of Kriya Yoga. When Chaudhuri met Jagatguru Ramanandacharya, he was struck by his divine personality.

“He looked like Lord Chaitanya, had a glorious face, and a personality vibrating with energy. His eyes were like the sun. He was like the Rishis of Vedic times,” Chaudhuri said. After initiation by the guru, “I was transformed from that day, and I understand the universe better,” he said.

In the Vedic tradition, an enlightened Guru alone imparts the knowledge and guidance of Kriya Yoga which is a serious aspect of the Vedic yoga systems, requiring serious attention.

‘Whispers’ is the result of inspiration by the Jagatguru’s desire to spread the knowledge in the world, Chaudhuri said. He said he faced delays as he began writing the book, finally completing it with help from some divine power. In ‘Whispers’ Chaudhuri has given all information without holding back anything, to make it easy to practice if the intent is serious, he said.

Meant for readers above the age of 12, ‘Whispers’ could help people overcome sadness, sorrow, anxiety, depression and uplift their spirit with the practice of OM Kriya Yoga. “It would bring awareness of the link between all beings, and lead to world peace for which we are looking desperately”, Chaudhuri said. “Peace cannot be created outwardly. Everything comes from within us,” he said.

Chaudhuri cautioned against easy video teachings of rousing the Kundalini afloat on social media. “Rousing Kundalini requires sincerely following a few processes,” he said. It requires one to prepare for a long time, and cannot be forced, he said. “If you rouse the Kundalini in the natural manner, then one can handle it,” he said, saying it can cause harm if done in the wrong manner.

Chaudhuri makes his serious subject and heavy information in ‘Whispers’ digestible through reported conversations with his friend. Yet, explanations through the use of charts would have made it easier on the readers.

A special feature of ‘Whispers’ is the ending of chapters with details of the history and architecture of noted temples in India. The book explains the reason for this. “In the Vedic times and culture, the temple was seen as a link between man and god, and between the actual and the ultimate. As such it has to be symbolic.”

Chaudhuri said people should receive energy by visiting ancient temples which are powerhouses of energy. Describing the temple architecture according to Vastu Shastra, Thus, Chapter 1 discusses in detail the 2100 year-old Tirupati temple in Andhra Pradesh, India. There is also the description of how the principle of elements including earth, water, fire, air and space are symbolized in its architecture.

‘Whispers’ then guides the reader through identifying the Chakras before performing Kriyas to rouse the Kundalini Chakra. Chakras, the book explains, are wheels of energy from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. “Chakras store the energy of thoughts, feelings, memories, experiences, and actions. They affect and direct our present and future attitude, behavior, emotional health, and actions,” the book says, dealing then with Patanjali’s eightfold Yoga Sutras which prepare the body and the brain, leading to enlightenment and self-realization.

‘Whispers’ comes to the OM Kriya Yoga much later, as if entering a temple’s Garbha Gruha. “The first step to OM Kriya Yoga is the chanting of OM. ‘O’ is chanted 25% of the time and ‘M’ 75% of the time. It is actually AUM, but the ‘A’ and ‘U’ combine to become ‘O.’,” the book says.

Description follows of Kriyas while chanting OM, such as raising the hands above the head or closing the ears, which attract the power of OM from the environment. The details of how exactly to do the Kriyas make an entire chapter, along with details of Chakra Kriya asanas, ending in discussions of the Kundalini Shakti Kriya.

An entire chapter is dedicated to Chaudhuri’s gurus Mahavatar Kriya Babaji and Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Rajivlochanacharya, their lives and their teachings.

 Chapter 12 discusses how to achieve a balance in our day-to-day life, listing the 4 Purusharthas (goals) which include Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. The chapter then delves into Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra methods of achieving these goals through a balance of physical health, mental health, emotional health, spiritual health, social health, environmental health, work-related health, and financial health.

The book ends with discussing ways to achieve the ultimate goal of realizing the oneness amongst everything. Chaudhuri, who has a deep interest in quantum physics, said he is convinced everything is one. “The whole creation is one, in various forms,” he said. The book attempts to show a torch to this truth.



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