HOROSCOPE THIS WEEK by Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma


(March 21-April 20)
There is someone you need to be careful of, as he or she may be scheming against you. Satisfactory performance is foreseen for those facing an exam or a competition on the academic front. Your efforts on the professional front are likely to get recognized and be richly rewarded. A new source of revenue may open up and help tide over your financial problems. Getting emotionally attached to someone you simply adore cannot be ruled out.
Lucky No.: 3
Lucky Colour: Purple

(April 21-May 20)
Someone may go against your wishes and upset you. Visiting an out-of-town location is possible as your travelling stars burn bright. A down payment for a piece of property is likely to be made. You may not be able to get all the resources needed to complete a task at work, but whatever you do manage will be more than what is required. Not losing focus on the academic front is likely to improve your performance.
Lucky No.: 1
Lucky Colour: Pink

(May 21-June 21)
Going out of the way for someone may not get you the kind of reciprocation you expect, but go ahead anyway. Your working style may become the talk of the office and attract praise from all quarters. Satisfying performance on the academic front will keep you in a buoyant mood. A party animal may introduce you to his or her social circle. Methods employed to ensnare the one you have a soft corner for are likely to succeed.
Lucky No.: 2
Lucky Colour: Peach

(June 22-July 22)
You may remain suspicious of someone’s good intentions, because old habits die hard! Home is a happy place, as a lot of guests promise to brighten up your week. An organised approach to something important on the academic front is likely to get you the expected returns. Detailed knowledge about something will make others lean on you on the professional front. You are certain to find ways to multiply your money.
Lucky No.: 1
Lucky Colour: Cream

(July 23-August 23)
Pursue an important matter in all earnest to succeed. You may bring about a change in lifestyle with health in mind. There is no point in unnecessarily worrying over an issue on the academic front. An official trip may need to be rescheduled to accommodate some additional tasks. Diffusing a situation on the home front promptly will prevent it from turning ugly. Be at your diplomatic best so as not to aggravate your off-mood lover!
Lucky No.: 18
Lucky Colour: Blue

(August 24-September 23)
You will need to seek guidance before you commence your venture. This is not the time to experiment on the academic front, as it can negate your efforts. Calling a spade a spade at work may not be the right approach and may do more harm than good. Losing good money on dubious schemes or betting cannot be ruled out for some. A decision regarding something important may be jointly taken with spouse. Health remains satisfactory.
Lucky No.: 4
Lucky Colour: Saffron

(September 24-October 23)
You may need to get into the nitty-gritty of a project to be successful, as shortcuts just won’t do. Those eligible may find their life partner sooner than they expect! Celebrating something at home is possible for some. You are likely to develop a soft corner for someone working near you on the professional front. A vacation is in the pipeline, as leave gets sanctioned. The prospects of owning a property look bright.
Lucky No.: 7
Lucky Colour: White

(October 24-November 22)
You will manage to impress some high-profile clientele on the professional front and add to your reputation. Performing excellently well on the academic front is indicated for some. You will be instrumental in getting a matrimonial alliance for someone eligible. A domestic dispute will be amicably settled through your initiative. You may feel attracted to someone and take the next step. Your keenness to travel will prove infectious and rope in your near and dear ones too!
Lucky No.: 8
Lucky Colour: Red

(November 23-December 21)
Those facing a dead end in a task may have to start afresh. Don’t think you will get away with half-hearted preparation on the academic front. Tiff with a colleague may upset you and spoil the working environment. The chances of making extra bucks on the side cannot be ruled out. Lover’s actions promise to make the evening one to remember! Physical activity or an adventure trip is likely to excite you no end. Health remains satisfactory.
Lucky No.: 9
Lucky Colour: Golden

(December 22-January 21)
You may have to change your plans to accommodate someone. This is a favourable week for those looking for a love or life partner. Spending some time in a holiday destination is most likely for those craving a break from their daily routine. A chance of acquiring property appears bright for those looking for one. The family appears supportive and may chip in with a helping hand. A smooth week at work is foreseen, as everything goes according to plans.
Lucky No.: 2
Lucky Colour: Yellow

(January 22-February 19)
Keep your options open, as you may soon decide the next course of action. You will be able to maintain good showing on the academic front. Something that has been bugging you on the professional front is likely to get resolved. You may end up overspending on yourself, so guard against it. Taking up a workout routine will be in your interest. You can waste a lot of time by remaining socially engaged without any specific purpose in mind.
Lucky No.: 11
Lucky Colour: Maroon

(February 20-March 20)
A visitor is likely to brighten up your week. Your single-minded devotion and resolve to do well is certain to raise your performance level on the academic front. Those looking to get married will not be disappointed as their soul mate comes sauntering into their lives! A religious ceremony may get underway and keep you happily engaged. Some health options adopted by you are likely to keep you fit and energetic. Keep money safe.
Lucky No.: 22
Lucky Colour: Dark Grey



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