Mithun Chakraborty’s son Namashi is on a roll

Namashi Chakraborty. Photo: Trailer Video Grab

Sometime ago, Namashi Chakraborty, the younger of Mithun Chakraborty’s two sons in showbiz (the elder one being Mahakshay), released his first short film, Bahar Aa Chaman Prakash, which was applauded for its succinct treatment of a social issue—gays or the LGBTQ+ community. On May 17, he released his second, equally punchy short, Tithlee, which cast an incisive look at the still-rampant issue of color-shaming.

Namashi, who made his debut in 2023 with the Rajkumar Santoshi film, Bad Boy, would rather be selective about the work he chooses. His next outside film is being produced by Mahesh Bhatt, who is making a comeback after a hiatus of over three years. It will be written and directed by the latter’s protégé, whose name cannot be revealed as yet. “It is a dramatic thriller, which is all that I can say until it is formally announced—soon.”

However, he is otherwise concentrating on his own projects under his own banner, which he has named MYRND Movies. What does MYRND mean?

“It’s a combination of the first letters of everyone’s name in my family!” he smiles. “M stands for Mithun, and also Mimoh or Mahakshay. Y is my mother, (former actress and one-time producer (Enemmy) Yogeeta Bali, R stands for my brother, Remo, and Namashi and my sister Dishani are the other names! All of us are creatively involved in ideating, and we will be making cinema across all languages.”

A third short film is also on the way and Namashi is also planning feature films. The actor-producer admits that so far the concepts have all been his, and the idea is also to make a platform for multiple fresh talents across the board.

“Aniket Dabas was Raj (kumar Santsohi)-ji’s first assistant on Bad Boy  and I signed him to direct Bahar Aa Chaman Prakash. Tithlee is directed by magazine editor and writer, Swapnil Raje. Shrikant Vats, who was executive producer on this film, is directing my next short, Izhaar, which is a thriller with me in the central role.”

Social awareness too is a big thing for Namashi, and he is also working on a web series that is a “social romantic comedy”. His feature film will be a thriller drama that will take off in February 2025. Biplab Goswami, who wrote Laapataa Ladies, directs my film.”

Namashi has signed several writers as he will not be into remakes. “When I asked dad if he would do a film with me, he said, ‘Just bring me a script I cannot refuse!’” say the youngster.

Since his debut film was no blockbuster, how does he look at competition? “It’s very interesting!’ he says. “OTT has changed everything and I am looking at everyone as contemporaries rather than as competition.”

But he stresses that he is a performing veteran compared to his elder brother! “I have been doing standup theatre and skits now for 20 years as I began when I was about 10 and I am 31 now!” he smiles.

One last question: while we know that his father and brother will act in his products to come if there is a suitable role for them, does he look at bringing his mother back to acting, for she has steadfastly refused any work after she quit in the 1980s?

“I am trying to get her back, but she stares at me when I tell her that she must definitely do one good role!” he says.

Comedy improve India 5-minute skit, standup theatre 20 years since 10-11, I am 31.







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