Biden choosing Sen. Kamala Harris as VP has many negatives: Indian-Americans For Trump

Sen. Kamala Harris (Photo: Facebook)

A group calling itself Indian-Americans For Trump, headed by A.D. Amar, says Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s choice of California Senator Kamala Harris as running mate has a lot of negatives for the community. The IAT is a registered Political Action Committee, the press release said.

Among the negatives Amar said, “Until she was contesting for the President, during the Democratic primary season, she had not associated herself with the Indian-American population.”

“That is why, at a debate podium, questions were raised to her about her being of Indian heritage and hiding it,” the IAT said in an Aug. 11, 2020 press release. “That opened this issue for her. Several reporters, since, asked her openly about her not espousing her Indian descent. It was only then that she accepted her Indian blood,” according to Amar.

“I am sure this question will come to haunt her during the presidential campaign. Both Indian-Americans and the Trump-supporting reporters will not let it die. No matter what, this lack of her association with her Indian heritage will have some negative effect on the Indian-American votes for Biden,” contends Amar.

While his organization is expecting “a big turnout of Indian-Americans for Trump,” he said, “some of which will be dampened.

This election cycle, the Indian-Americans for Trump has been expecting a big turnout of the Indian-

Americans for Trump, some of which will be dampened,” by the choice of Harris as VP, he indicated.

“Nevertheless, Harris’ selection by Biden will send negative vibes among the black voters. While many of them may not vote for Trump, the lack of enthusiasm for the Biden-Harris ticket will keep them home on the election day,” Amar predicted.

“Nevertheless, Trump will still win hands down. The Indian Americans for Trump will make sure of it,” the press release declared.

The IAT, “strongly believes that under the prevailing domestic and international conditions, Donald Trump is the best hope for America to remain strong abroad and peaceful and prosperous at home,” the organization said and urged “all Americans, particularly those of the Indian Subcontinent extraction, to join its effort, and support Donald J. Trump.”



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