Harish Thakkar re-elected president of Association of Indians in America-NY

Harish Thakkar | Photo AIA

The Associations of Indians In America (AIA) NY, the oldest and
association of Indians living in this country, unanimously re-elected its
current President, Harish Thakkar for a second term. It also elected a
new board for the year 2021-2022.

For the year 2021-2022, President-elect Harish Thakkar will spearhead
the team which includes Executive Vice Presidents Dr. Satish Anand,
Dr. Bal Gilja, Dr. Jagdish Gupta, Usha Kapoor, Secretary Beena Kothari
and Treasurer Dr. Pushpa Shah, as well as Members-at-Large Dipika
Modi, Divya Shah, Gitanjali Anand, Nishant Garg, Beenu Sabharwal,
Rene Mehra, Joyti Gupta, Vimal Goyal, Govind Bhatija, Swati Vaishnav
and Sunny Thakkar

Advisors named include Dr. Shahi Shah, Asmita Bhatia, Rohit Vyas and
Sushma Kotahwala.

The AIA held a number of events/projects last year including the
February 2020 Family Bowling event; COVID-19 community help
projects, as well as distributing groceries to needy families.

July – AIA NY young chapter Desi Next distributed Face Masks to
Jamaica hospital.



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